Winter Pools Special Offers - 2023 Prices secured for 2024 Pool Builds

Why buy a One-piece pool?

What type of swimming pool do you want to install?

There are lots of different ways to build a pool but now we can build a high quality pool with very quick installation and completion times. 

With over 25 years of pool building knowledge, our system of installing one-piece shells is fast and cleaner than traditional pool building.

There are several types of pool you can have in one-piece; overflow, underflow, and skimmer.  All things you need to know before installing.

If you choose Overflow, we can make your pool look like a sheet of glass, floating level with your pool surround or deck, or if you choose our new top level or invisible skimmer systems, we can keep the water lower than the coping stone, yet make it look near to a level deck pool.

  • Overflow pools - This style of pool will have the water at the same level as your pool surround or paving. There will be no space between the waterline or the coping stones/paving surround. Overflow pools are generally more expensive and will have additional plant and balance tanks to cope with the overflow of water.
  • Skimmer pools- This style of pool will have a space between the waterline and the underside of your pool coping/paving surround. Skimmer pools will not require additional balance tanks as the water is taken from the pool surface via skimmers within the pool shell . 
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